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*Mostly sunny today high 77


*The Scottrade Center and the Peabody Opera House need upgrades so a St. Louis City Alderwoman introduced a bill that would fund those renovations.  If it's approved by the Board and city voters then every one who attends an event at the Scottrade Center or Peabody Opera House would help pay for facility improvements, rather than city taxpayers.  The bill suggests adding a "facility fee" to ticket sales and using it to pay for improvements.


Puerto Rico's governor says the Hurricane Maria disaster involves 3.4 million U.S. citizens.  Senator Marco Rubio says there's tremendous damage and potential for serious crisis in areas out side of San Juan and power crew must get there ASAP.



*Donald Trump unveiled his new tax plan yesterday saying it could be the most dramatic overhaul of the federal tax code in years. He said it includes cuts for individuals and businesses. Trump was short on specifics about how much the plan would cost or how working Americans would benefit from the proposal that offers big cuts for the wealthy and corporations. 

The New York Times

The White House Is Restricting Lawmaker Flights To Puerto Rico-

Several lawmakers who planned to tour Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are getting denied.

The Trump administration is restricting lawmakers in both parties from visiting the area aboard military crafts so the focus can be on clean up. The Pentagon is also saying “no” as the it ramps up relief efforts. The administration says it doesn’t want to hinder the use of any resources, which is why Trump himself won’t be visiting the area until this coming Tuesday, 

Source: Washington Post

Russian Twitter Accounts Are Fueling Online Divisiveness In The U.S.-

Russian accounts are fueling a debate on Twitter about NFL players protesting the national anthem. The "New York Times" says a bipartisan public policy group has been following hundreds of Twitter accounts to track Russian efforts to create division in the U.S. It found Russian trolls working both sides of the NFL protest debate, and that the hashtags #boycottnfl and #takeaknee were both linked to Russian accounts. The researchers said over 25-percent of the 80 news stories created last week by Russian Twitter accounts had a primary theme of anti-Americanism. About 15-percent were critical of Hillary Clinton, and eleven-percent were critical of federal wiretapping in the Russian investigation. Twitter officials will be in Washington today to brief the Senate and House intelligence committees for their probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Twitter has said in a statement that it deeply respects the integrity of the election process and will continue to strengthen its platform against bots and other forms of manipulation that violates its terms of service. 

Source: New York Times


*Just one more loss eliminates the Cardinals from the playoff Chase ...Cubs clinched the NL Central last night as they beat us 5-1. Both teams play again tonight.

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